Ride 12: The Beautiful South

[donotprint]Bikepacking bookThese pages are for readers of Bikepacking: mountain bike camping adventures on the wild trails of Britain by Laurence McJannet.

If you do not own the book please buy a copy here![/donotprint]


Ride Information

START: Chichester railway station, Southgate PO19 8DL, 50.832069, -0.781692

FINISH: Arundel railway station, BN18 9PH, 50.847798, -0.546770

DISTANCE: 27.9 miles/45.0km

ASCENT: 3074ft/937m


TERRAIN: Mostly chalk doubletrack, with occasional grassy bridleways and muddy forest tracks. Four or five significant climbs punctuate a ride that is rarely flat.

NAVIGATION: Fairly simple. Follow NCN route 2 then regional route 88 to Mid Lavant. Here the West Sussex Literary Trail north is only marked as a bridleway. Both the New Lipchis Way and South Downs Way are well signposted. There are a wealth of signed bridleways east of Amberley to chose from but you’ll need OS Landranger 197 to navigate these well. The easier option is the riverside bridleway along from Houghton to Offham, which you can pick up opposite the George and Dragon pub. [donotprint]


Ordnance Survey Map

[osmap height=”400″ width=”auto” color=”red” gpx=”https://www.wildthingspublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/bikepacking/Bikepacking Ride No.12_Sussex.gpx”]

Open Street Map with information markers and elevation

Book Map[/donotprint]

bikepacking12a bikepacking12b


Download .GPX file (right click to download)

Download first map.pdf and second map.pdf from the book (right click to download)

How to navigate using .GPX files[/donotprint]

Eat & Drink

The George & Dragon, Houghton, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9LW, 01798 831559, www.thegeorgeanddragonhoughton.co.uk
The Black Rabbit, Mill Road, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9PB, 01903 882828, www.theblackrabbitarundel.co.uk


Gumber Bothy, Gumber Farm, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0RN, 01243 814484, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/slindon-estate
Bivvy: Coombe Wood, near Amberley


St Martin’s Coffee House, 3 St Martins Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1NP, 01243 786715, www.organiccoffeehouse.co.uk
Hargroves Cycles, 106-108 The Hornet, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7JR, 01243 537337, www.hargrovescycles.co.uk

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