Wild Ruins Book


The Explorer’s Guide to Britain’s Lost Castles, Follies, Relics and Remains

Discover and explore Britain’s extraordinary history through its most beautiful lost ruins. From crag-top castles to crumbling houses in ancient forests, and ivy-encrusted relics of industry to sacred places long since returned to nature. Including over 250 ruins and 28 maps.

By Dave Hamilton, author of the Self Sufficient-ish Bible
With a foreword by Sir Tony Robinson from Channel Four’s Time Team.

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About the book

• Britain’s first guidebook to Britain’s ruins
• Detailed instructions on how to visit and gain access to over 250 hidden, wild or lesser known places (28 maps)
• Stunning photography
• Wide family appeal – cuts across generations and brings history alive – also appeals to walkers and history buffs
• Best for lists and itineraries, including for families, explorers, nature lovers, foragers, campers and days out, sunset views, legends

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Includes the best:

• Ancient Ruins – Earthworks and Standing Stones
• Abandoned villages and settlements.
• Mines and quarries – Copper Mines, Tin Mines, Coal Mines
• Factories, works and quays.Steelworks, Ironworks, factories.
• Modern Military – Airfields and Gun Emplacements.
• Ancient Military and Castles – Forts, Castles and Fortified Houses
• Grand Houses and Follies
• Urbex and Modern ruins
• Religious sites
• Hospitals, Schools and Theatres

About the author

Dave Hamilton is co-author of the best-selling Self Sufficientish Bible, and cult classic Grow your food for free. Dave lives in the South West of England where he teaches and writes about horticulture, wild food, history and ruins.



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