What an amazing summer! Our 2014 summer photo competition attracted over 500 entries and almost 8000 votes and views. Over 100 were ‘Highly Commended’ and appear below, giving an amazing taste of our adventures. The overall winners will be announced on Monday 8th September.
Top prize of £250 spending money, a beautiful 4m SoulPad bell tent, an award-winning Swedish-designed wood-fired Ezy stove from Wild Stoves, a funky mattress from glamping store Baker + Bell, and £50 of books from Wild Things Publishing. Five runners ups, one in each category, will win £50 to spend on beautiful glamping gear at Baker + Bell, a natural bamboo travel towel from camping suppliers Silverfox and £50 of adventure books books from Wild Things Publishing.
Thanks again to all who participated! Here are some of the top photos… all ‘highly commended’…